That time of year again, where the weather is finally nice enough to enjoy some bmx and outdoor eating. The wind was blowing pretty steady through out the afternoon Sunday, but it wasn't enough to stop guys from shredding the ramps, which included a new 6 ft quarter. Chris Pryzwara didn't leave any blank walls, can canning and tail whipping his way around the course. In between doing 540's and alley oop 540's, he decided to 180 the second box jump for good measure. J.t. Loteck Double Whipped the new 6 ft quarter on what i saw to be first try, and that was before the food was even done being cooked. Brett Vitale did a Ruben wall ride on one of the many accessible trees in Delmont Skatepark. It was silly… There was an intense game of BikeDice that went on longer than it should've. I wasn't paying much attention in the end, but i believe Frank Lynn edged out Kev Little for a narrow victory. I wish i took more photos, but perhaps next time. Mark your calendars, the next one is gonna be a big one. Saturday, Oct 4th, I will officially be joining team 30+ in the bmx community.

This is for you, America.
Despite falling a bunch in October, I had a lot of fun doing this double peg, and decided I'd do it again
JJ and the man himself, Mr. Ed's Bike Shop
When he wasn't dropping and shattering unopened beers, Kenny was eating hot dogs.
Billy Brown showed up just to eat.
Vic Behm took a break from whooping ass at the bmx track to come tail whip the box jumps and gap into the wall ride. i break his balls a lot, but he's a good dude.
At dusk, a vert wall contest began. Kenny set the bar pretty high.
Frank Lynn may have won everything yesterday
We determined Kev Little tied Frank and after someone almost went OTB, it was called at that. Take my word for it, the timing was a bit off in these photos.
If you've ever ridden this, you realize this is stupid high...
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