Friday, September 13, 2013

Tabletop Friday

I was pleasantly surprised wednesday afternoon when i got a visit from Chris Volkwine aka Baboon. Fresh from a long day of pouring and finishing sidewalks none the less. Here we have Boone laying one flat on the new and improved 8 ft quarter in the backyard that is known as Delmont Skatepark. A few things to note about this 300+ lb tabletop: He's on a custom 22inch fbm, his bars are chicago, his seat is higher than mine, its a 45/13 gearing, and he is still better than 5 ft out of an 8 ft ramp. This is what bmx needs. You may also recognize this fella from this video, most notably at the 2:47 mark:

banned in the backyard 2012 from Banned Vids on Vimeo.