Wednesday, October 24, 2012

picture time, picture rhyme.

Jr, Justin, Randy and Gurg from last saturday.

p.s. the trees are pretty right now.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Happy (early) Halloween

Just received a text from Adam, and lost my mind. He's a wild one...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Tabletop Friday, NJ edition

Be sure to check the previous post by JR to see Austin getting crazy. Here's a few more shots from the jam we had on the 6th.
Adam, with a table of the European variety 

Charlie with a table of his own
Kev Little getting flat as well

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Friday, Tabletop Friday to be exact!

Austin Phillips!!!!! Enough said. The powerwave that came off this table nearly knocked me off the pallet stack i was perched upon. Gaze upon this and get your bike out.

Monday, October 15, 2012

A Few Jam Photos

Jay Rut sent over a few photos he took from the Oct. 6th backyard jam in Delmont.

Erik filmed a few clips. Expect to see some of the jam clips to be in "Walk the Plank"

 Fireworks. As I told the New Jersey State Police, I don't know where they came from or who was responsible, but the timing was spot on.
 Jay Robbins and some 8 ft quarter-skateboard-trickery.
 Kev Little must've been paranoid, because he was looking over his shoulder a lot.
 Yours truly with my go-to trick.
 Hey, it was my birthday, so i think i deserve two photos in this update.
Delmont is a magical place. There's more photos to come, be sure to check back Friday.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fire Tower Friday

Mike and Tom at 4,000 feet. They weren't aware I was taking this photo so don't call them out for their emotional poses. They are just deep.