A new park opened recently in South Jersey. I'm told its not complete, however it is now the closest park to my house and most people i ride with. Port Norris park is open with promises of more to come by years end, Jay Robbins, Paul Thornton and Nick Barrett filmed a little one day edit of some skateboard trickery. On a related note; I recently tore something or sprained or broke my hand. not real sure, haven't gotten it looked at, but this is the park that took me out. I'm ashamed of myself...
stuff you should look at. . .
Monday, July 30, 2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Todays Tabletop Friday is brought to you by Ed's Bike Shop.
Chris Przywara and a couple fellow ed's guys stopped down last weekend
to check out the new setup in Delmont. I'll be posting up some other
photos of the madness in the next few days or so,

Tuesday, July 24, 2012
I phone edit.
It has come to my attention that most people don't actually go to www.amatuerhourbmx.com, most just go to the blog spot url. Welllll, your missing out folks. Most of the newest videos or photos are up on the main page and some never even get put on the blog. Please justify our .com fees and make us feel like a real website by entering the long way round. Here's the i phone edit thats been on the main page in case you missed it. Austin dominates the saran wrap. Bolts!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Delmont Skatepark
There's been a lot going on in Delmont in the past month or so. Major renovations and additions have been taking place. Here's a quick video tour of the new digs
Monday, July 16, 2012
Great success
The rain held out for the Funfest contest, for the most part. Lots of good friends showed up and everyone had a good time. After the event Nathan decided we should show everyone a few of our local swimming holes up in the mountains. Here's a few pictures i took throughout the day.
Gurg pretending he's a Pterodactyl.
Devon learned whippers
Tim entered the contest and just cruised around the bowl in sandles. That should have gotten an award all on its own. Tim is bmx.
Don't know who this kid is but he ice picked this ledge in the rain and thats awesome.
Gurg whips up the euro.
Chris Ball showed up and took third. Chris is the man.
John got second.
Gurg got first.
"Go ahead and get on your ass because your going to wind up there anyway." - Nathan explaning to Dave and Tim how to navigate the slippery rocks.
The man behind the epic video with halloween party footage.
Nathan is back in and in full effect.
Gurg pretending he's a Pterodactyl.
Devon learned whippers
Randy Pants
I bet randy thought to himself "here i come!" as he charged this gap.
Tim entered the contest and just cruised around the bowl in sandles. That should have gotten an award all on its own. Tim is bmx.
Don't know who this kid is but he ice picked this ledge in the rain and thats awesome.
Gurg whips up the euro.
Chris Ball showed up and took third. Chris is the man.
John got second.
Gurg got first.
"Go ahead and get on your ass because your going to wind up there anyway." - Nathan explaning to Dave and Tim how to navigate the slippery rocks.
Own a piece of history!
I'm selling the ol Panasonic dvx 100b. This is the camera used to make Congratulations Asshole. It was owned by the great Jim Cielencki before me and was used to make most of the Sunday video "up up and away". Now it has wound up where all great things wind up... on ebay. Go buy it, or at least bid on it to jack the price up haha!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Extreme showdown saturday! (its friday asshole) I know the date! im just sayin.
Come out and hang with the all stars from the Tri-Cities scene. Action sports will commence at an extreme level....we are gonna turn it to 11. haha. Good times will be had, be a part of the fun, see ya saturday.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
R.I.P - T.P.I
Johnson City lost an old friend a few weeks ago. T.P.I was a staple street riding spot in the Tri-cities scene and will be truly missed.
To most people who drove by that abadoned factory, it was an eyesore; with its rusted fencing, faded green sheet metal siding. However, along the side of that siding was an asphalt twinkie, and thats what bmx riders saw. Over the years that siding got pushed in at spots, tire graffiti was added here and there, and that twinkie became a hip.
Recent additions came courtesy of Jake Hunter and Randy Mobley, 2 rails and a sub-box. Im no construction worker, but i imagine breaking asphalt and installing rails isnt easy. It's a damn shame death came so soon after these were added, the options there were really abundant. Nothings forever though....after years of bmx service the property has been sold and is currently being transformed into what will probably be another strip mall where retired bingo moms go window shopping for handbags. It makes ya think, you know those times when you say "ill come back to it"..or "its not going anywhere" sometimes the spots do go somewhere overnight. Looking back on it, i dont remember who found it. Im gonna go out on a limb and say Mark Roberts around 1999. The dozer is the "Grim Reaper" of bmx, and it always taketh away. T.P.I's number came up. Rest in Peace.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Tom P Tuesday's via iPhone
Summers in full swing and I've been working 60-80 hour weeks. There's nothing like a good twisted tea to cool down.
Thursday, July 5, 2012
When we started this blog we swore that it wouldn't turn into us just posting funny YouTube videos. I'm going to make an exception for the single best YouTube video. I'm 27 years old and i peed a little. Its about zero gs and what have you.
Next girl i date will be a gymnast, so that i can watch her get mangled.
Next girl i date will be a gymnast, so that i can watch her get mangled.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
Youtube and Vimeo links
I added youtube and vimeo links to the side of the blog so you can check out all our videos, past and present. If you go back far enough you can even see sections from JRs old video.
Note: sometimes blogger ignores my layout and puts all our links at the very bottom of the page. Thanks blogger, your an asshole.
Another note: links are at the top now. haha take that blogger!
Another note: links are at the top now. haha take that blogger!
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