Quick little interview with South Jersy's own Erik Sammartino.
AH.- So what's up right now?
Erik- Sitting at home, just got done watching the Flyers beat the Hurricanes 2-1.
AH.-You a hockey fan?
Erik- Yes. I played hockey for a good 10 plus years until i tore my ACL and missed a few seasons.
AH.- Does anything you have learned through hockey been applied to BMX and your riding?
Erik- Hockey is more of a team sport. In hockey you have to listen to your coach, in BMX you you have no rules and there really is no rights and wrongs. You can just go ride your bike and have fun with your friends.
AH.- What or who got you into riding? Erik- I remember watching XGames one year and seeing Scotty Cranmer killing it in the contest. I just thought that it was rad that a young kid from NJ was on TV killing it and representing.
AH.-I noticed you still run a 36 tooth sprocket,which i admire. Any reason for that?
Erik- My first bike i built had a 36 tooth sprocket and i never was a person to change something that wasnt broken. Now i dont think i can even find a 36 tooth anymore. I am currently riding Kevin Little's hand me downs from when he was 16.
AH.-You mentioned earlier that in BMX there are no right and wrongs,but it seems today that the current scene involves everyone hopping on the internet to see what style and tricks are cool. I guess this isnt a queston haha. Your thoughts on this matter?
Erik- The internet is cool. I love and hate it. Without it we wouldnt be doing this interview. I hate the fact that companies will only make web edits now. I feel that videos mean more to yourself than just filming for a web edit for the internet.
AH.-With that said, you wanna share your favorite video and favorite video part?
Erik-Video:Lotek mixtape. Video part: Gary Young-Drop the Hammer.
AH.- What's the scene like in South Jersey these days?
Erik-South Jersey kinda has it's own cliques. Some are young and some are old, but we are all friends.
AH.- So what does AH mean to you personally since you are a "sponsored" rider haha?
ERik- Amateurhourbmx is rad. I think it's awesome that i am part of an awesome group of friends.
AH.-Any plans for the upcoming year?
Erik- Yes, i actually just got a big boy job. I'll be laying underground cable and wire lines. Other than that, hopefully riding my bike and going on as many trips as i can.
AH.-keeping it on the underground? No better way to end this. Any last thanks or words?
Erik- I would like to thank Ed's Bike Shop, NubTv, my boss over at Dolfin Dock for giving me days off to take trips to TN to visit "yins", Jeffy for letting me stay at his house,and amateurhour for this interview.
Last 3 photo credits to Matt Crowne.